Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry

Yaron Ben-Naeh

Prof. Yaron Ben-Naeh

Jewish Studies Institute
History of the Jewish People
Faculy main building, room no. 6140

Research Fields

  • social history
  • cultural history
  • historic photography
  • ladino literature
  • Mizrahi studies

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Ben-Naeh is a historian of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire (16th century-early 20th century). His main interests include social history and cultural history. He is also interested in Palestine under the Ottomans.


Selected Publications

Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews in the Realm of the Sultans: Ottoman Jewry in the Seventeenth Century, Mohr-Siebeck Press: Tübingen 2008

Nuh Arslantaş & Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ibranice Anonim bir kronik, Türk Tarih Kurumu: Ankara 2013

Yaron Ben-Naeh (author and ed.), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, Ben Zvi Institute and Israel's Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2010

Yaron Ben-Naeh, Sefer Korot Mishpaha: An Autobiography of a Sephardi of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem: A Soldier, a Rabbinic Scholar and an Author during a Change of an Era, Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi & Old Yishuv Court Museum: Jerusalem 2015

Yaron Ben-Naeh, Dan Shapira, & Aviezer Tutian, Debar Sepatayim: An Ottoman Hebrew Chronicle from the Crimea (1683-1730) Written by the Krymchak Rabbi David Lekhno, Academic Press Printing: Boston, MA; 2021


Selected Awards

(2007) President Yitzhak Ben Zvi Prize for my book: Jews in the Realm of the Sultans (Hebrew version)

(2011) Marc Wiznitzer Prize for my book: Jews in the Realm of the Sultans (English)



Sephardi Jews as Mirrored in Photography and Painting (1850-1950)

Sabbateanism: Myth and Reality

Peddlers and Prostitutes: Sephardi Lives in Yehudah Burla's Stories

Safed Jews in the Sixteenth Century

Family Life among Ottoman Jews 

Ottoman Jerusalem and is Jewish Community (Hebrew Souces/Arabic Sources)

Communal regulations - From Baghdad to Meknes

Authors, Readers and Printers

Ottoman-Jewish Wills as a Historical Source

Holy Men and Women (hagiographic stories)

Sephardi Autobiographies

Sephardi Communities in the Light of Communal Regulations

Palestine’s Jews during the Ottoman Period

Back to the Archive

Bibliographical Tours: Hebrew Book Introductions

Jerusalem’s Sephardim 1800-1948

Jewish Questions: Guided Reading in Rabbinic Responsa from the Ottoman Empire

Hida’s Diary ‘Ma’agal Tov ha-Shalem’

In the Footsteps of the Emissaries (Shadarim)



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Ram  Ben-Shalom

Prof. Ram Ben-Shalom

Jewish Studies Institute
History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Judaism

Research Fields

  • Jewish Studies
  • Medieval Studies
  • Jewish-Christian Relations
  • Medieval Jewish History
  • Jewish Thought
  • Jews of Medieval Spain
  • Medieval Iberia
  • Jews of Medieval France (Southern France)
  • Religious Conversion
  • Polemics and Apologetics
  • Jewish mysticism
  • Holocaust Studies

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Prof. Ram Ben-Shalom is Professor of Jewish History and co-editor of the Hispania Judaica Bulletin. Since October 2021, Ben-Shalom has served as the Chair of the department of the History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Judaism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has published widely on medieval European Jewish history and is a specialist in the Jewish–Christian discourse of the Middle Ages.


Selected Publications

R. Ben-Shalom, Facing Christian Culture: Historical Consciousness and Images of the Past among the Jews of Spain and Southern France during the Middle Ages [Hebrew], 2006, Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

R. Ben-Shalom, Medieval Jews and the Christian Past: Jewish Historical Consciousness in Spain and Southern France, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford 2016.

R. Ben-Shalom, The Jews of Provence: Renaissance in the Shadow of the Church [Hebrew], The Open University of Israel, Raanana 2017.

Forthcoming, an English translation: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization (Liverpool University Press); In editing. 

R. Ben-Shalom, The Letter of Salomea, Carmel. Publishing House, Jerusalem (forthcoming). [Hebrew].

R. Ben-Shalom, “The First Jewish Work on the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Virtues,” Mediaeval Studies, 75 (2013), pp. 205-270.


Selected Awards

2007 - Samuel Toledano Prize by the Misgav Institute in Jerusalem was awarded to the book "Facing Christian Culture: Historical Consciousness and Images of the Past among the Jews of Spain and Southern France during the Middle Ages (2006)", for its contribution to the Sephardi past in its Christian context.

2018 – Ben Zvi Institute Prize for the book "The Jews of Provence: Renaissance in the Shadow of the Church (2017)".

2019 - "Am Olam" Prize of the Historical Society of Israel for the book "The Jews of Provence: Renaissance in the Shadow of the Church (2017)".



Bachelor's degree courses

The Jewish Renaissance in Medieval Provence

Jewish-Christian Polemics: History & Literature

Introduction to the History of the Jews in Spain

The Jews of Provence: Troubadours, Heretics and Mystics

The Jewish Culture in the 13th Century - A New World?

Jewish-Christian Encounter and Polemics

Under the Cross: Jewish Life in Medieval Europe

The Jews of Provence: Renaissance and Crisis

Facing the Cross: A Journey in Provence

Eros Romantics and Medieval Misogyny


Master's degree courses

The Jews in 15th Century Spain: Crisis or Flourishing?

The New language of Conversion in Christian Spain

Who is a Jew in Fifteenth Century Spain? Anusim, Jews and Christians

The Jews in Provence and the Mediterranean Sea.

History and Jewish Literature in Medieval Texts.

The Challenges of the 15th Century: Criticism and Intellectual Innovation


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Jonathan  Dekel-Chen

Prof. Jonathan Dekel-Chen

History Department
Jewish Studies Institute
History Institute
Rabin building, room no. 6003

Research Fields

  • Transnationalism,
  • diplomacy, agricultural history,
  • modern Jewish history,
  • Russian Imperial History,
  • Soviet History,
  • International Relations,
  • Migration,
  • Applied Humanities,
  • Public History

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Jonathan Dekel-Chen is the Rabbi Edward Sandrow Chair in Soviet & East European Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His current research and publications deal with transnational philanthropy and advocacy, non-state diplomacy, agrarian history and migration. In 2014, Dekel-Cohen co-founded the Bikurim Youth Village for the Arts, which provides world-class artistic training for under-served high school students from throughout Israel.


Selected Publications

Farming the Red Land: Jewish Agricultural Colonization and Local Soviet Power, 1923-1941. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.

Editor (with David Gaunt, Natan Meir, Israel Bartal), Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom in East European History. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.

Editor (with Eugene Avrutin and Robert Weinberg), Ritual Murder in Russia, Eastern Europe and Beyond: New Histories of an Old Accusation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017.

“Between Myths, Memories, History and Politics: Creating Content for Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.” The Public Historian 40, no. 4 (2018): 91-106.

 “Putting Agricultural History to Work: Global Action Today from a Communal Past.” Featured article in: Agricultural History 94, no. 4 (Fall 2020): 512-544.


Selected Awards

2005-2008  Israel Science Foundation Award, “A World of Good: Jewish Philanthropy and Politics

in Russia and the USSR, 1890s-1990s”.


Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines, Hebrew University, 2007.


Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2008-2009.

Rose and Isidore Drench Memorial Fellowship, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 2008-2009.

Israel Institute Visiting Professor at Columbia University, N.Y., 2015-2016


Bildner Visiting Scholar at the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, Rutgers University.

Vernon Carstensen Memorial Award for the best article in Agricultural History from the Agricultural History Society for “Putting Agricultural History to Work: Global Action Today from a Communal Past” (Issue 94, no. 4 [2020]: 512-544).



“From Revolution to Crisis: Russia, 1789-1855.”

 “From Crisis to Revolution: Russia, 1856-1917.”

 “Russian Foreign Policy in the Middle East and Israel”

“From Bukhara to Brooklyn: Modern East European Jewry”

“The Jewish Farmer in Modern Times.” (M.A.)

"Jewish Politics and Philanthropy in the 20th Century" (M.A.)

"The Global Campaign for Soviet Jewry: Moscow, Washington, London, Jerusalem” (M.A.)

"Diplomacy and Philanthropy in the Modern Jewish World" (M.A.)

"Jewish and Non-Jewish Migration in the Modern World: Theory and Practice" (M.A.)

“Kibbutz: Beginnings, Glory, the End?” (M.A.)

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Prof. Miriam Frenkel

History Institute
Jewish Studies Institute

Research Fields

  • Medieval Jewish history under Islam
  • Geniza studies
  • Contacts and encounters between Judaism and Islam

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Prof. Miriam Frenkel is professor in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s  Department of Jewish History and the Institute of History. She is The Menahem Ben Sasson Chair in Judaism and Islam through the Ages, head of the Institute of History, and Vice President of the Society for Judeo-Arabic Studies [SJAS].


Selected Publications

Miriam Frenkel, `The Compassionate and Benevolent`: Jewish Ruling Elites in the Medieval Islamicate World, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021

Miriam Frenkel (ed.), The Jews in Medieval Egypt, Boston, ASP, 2021

Miriam Frenkel. Alison Salvesen, Sarah Pierce (eds.), Israel in Egypt, Leiden, Brill, 2020



Bachelor's degree courses

Portraits of Conspicuous Figures in Medieval Jewish History in the Lands of Islam

The Jews of Islam: Historical and Social Perspectives

Tutorial teaching for outstanding undergraduate students at the School for History

Introduction to Medieval Jewish History (Cornerstones Program)

Jews and Judaism in Medieval Islamic Lands

Introduction to Jewish Medieval History in the Lands of Islam; Jewish Marginal Groups and Individuals in the Medieval Lands of Islam 

In the Footsteps of Travelers and Travelogues in the Middle East

Daily Life in History (Cornerstones Program)

Master's degree courses

Literary Activities and Products of the Judeo-Arabic Culture

The Mediterranean as System, Idea and Vision

Jewish Material Culture in the Lands of Islam and Christianity

Jewish Ritual Poetry (piyyut)

Jewish Religious Life in the Lands of Islam

 Mysticism, Magic, and Messianism among the Jews in the Lands of Islam

Basic Themes in the History and Culture of Mizrahi Jews

Jewish Material Culture in the Mdieval Lands of Islam


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David Guedj

Dr. David Guedj

Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry
Jewish Studies Institute

Research Fields

  • Modern Jewish History
  • History of Jews in the Islamic world
  • Cultural and Intellectual history
  • History of books
  • History of Children and Childhood
  • Holocaust Studies

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David Guedj is a member of the department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry. He is a historian of the Jews in Muslim lands, specializing in the culture and society of North African Jewish communities in the 19th and 20th centuries. His current research investigates the development and modernization of polyglot book culture in 20th century Morocco.


Selected Publications

1. David Guedj, The Hebrew Culture in Morocco, 1912-1956, The Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2022. (Hebrew)

2. “Jeune Israël: Multiple Modernities of Jewish Childhood and Youth in Morocco in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, 112:2 (2022): 316-343.

3. “Double tendance: The Photographic Message in the Egyptian Jewish Youth Magazine L’Illustration Juive, 1929-1931”, Images: a Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture, 12 (2019): 56-69.

4. “Post-Second World War praise poetry, lament and a Utopian treatise in Morocco: historical literature on the theme of the Second World War”, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 17,4 (2018): 455-471.

5. “The Distribution of Heirless Books by the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction to Morocco”, Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture, 15(2018): 63-72.




North African Jews from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century

North Africa's Jews during WW2

Education in Jewish society in MENA


Issues in the history of the jews in MENA

Study tour through Jewish Morocco


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Anat Helman

Dr. Anat Helman

Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry
Jewish Studies Institute

Research Fields

  • Social Jewish history
  • daily life and practices
  • visual culture

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Dr. Helman is a social historian whose books focus on Mandate Era Palestine and 1950s Israel.


Selected Publications


Young Tel Aviv: A Tale of Two Cities (Lebanon NH: Brandeis UP and UPNE, 2010).

A Coat of Many Colors: Dress Culture in the Young State of Israel (Brighton MA: Academic Studies Press, 2011).

Becoming Israeli: National Ideals and Everyday Life in the 1950s (Lebanon NH: Brandeis University Press and University Press of New England, 2014).

Consumer Culture and Leisure in the Young State of Israel (Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2020). [in Hebrew]


Selected Awards

2004 – The Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines.

2008 – The Mordechai Ish-Shalom Prize (Yad Ben-Zvi) for "first-fruit" book on Israel History. 

2008 – The Shapiro Prize for best book in Israel Studies (Association of Israel Studies).

2021 – The Erika and Dr. Netanel Lorch Prize for best book on Israeli History.



Consolidating a Hebrew National Culture in the Land of Israel

Visual Culture in Eretz Yisrael

Israel: The First Decade

Jews and Sport, 1780-1939


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