Research Fields
- social history
- cultural history
- historic photography
- ladino literature
- Mizrahi studies
Ben-Naeh is a historian of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire (16th century-early 20th century). His main interests include social history and cultural history. He is also interested in Palestine under the Ottomans.
Selected Publications
Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews in the Realm of the Sultans: Ottoman Jewry in the Seventeenth Century, Mohr-Siebeck Press: Tübingen 2008
Nuh Arslantaş & Yaron Ben-Naeh, Ibranice Anonim bir kronik, Türk Tarih Kurumu: Ankara 2013
Yaron Ben-Naeh (author and ed.), Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Turkey, Ben Zvi Institute and Israel's Ministry of Education, Jerusalem 2010
Yaron Ben-Naeh, Sefer Korot Mishpaha: An Autobiography of a Sephardi of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem: A Soldier, a Rabbinic Scholar and an Author during a Change of an Era, Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi & Old Yishuv Court Museum: Jerusalem 2015
Yaron Ben-Naeh, Dan Shapira, & Aviezer Tutian, Debar Sepatayim: An Ottoman Hebrew Chronicle from the Crimea (1683-1730) Written by the Krymchak Rabbi David Lekhno, Academic Press Printing: Boston, MA; 2021
Selected Awards
(2007) President Yitzhak Ben Zvi Prize for my book: Jews in the Realm of the Sultans (Hebrew version)
(2011) Marc Wiznitzer Prize for my book: Jews in the Realm of the Sultans (English)
Sephardi Jews as Mirrored in Photography and Painting (1850-1950)
Sabbateanism: Myth and Reality
Peddlers and Prostitutes: Sephardi Lives in Yehudah Burla's Stories
Safed Jews in the Sixteenth Century
Family Life among Ottoman Jews
Ottoman Jerusalem and is Jewish Community (Hebrew Souces/Arabic Sources)
Communal regulations - From Baghdad to Meknes
Authors, Readers and Printers
Ottoman-Jewish Wills as a Historical Source
Holy Men and Women (hagiographic stories)
Sephardi Autobiographies
Sephardi Communities in the Light of Communal Regulations
Palestine’s Jews during the Ottoman Period
Back to the Archive
Bibliographical Tours: Hebrew Book Introductions
Jerusalem’s Sephardim 1800-1948
Jewish Questions: Guided Reading in Rabbinic Responsa from the Ottoman Empire
Hida’s Diary ‘Ma’agal Tov ha-Shalem’
In the Footsteps of the Emissaries (Shadarim)