Research Fields
- Mishnaic Hebrew
- Babylonian Aramaic
- Contacts between Hebrew and Aramaic
- Massora
- The languge of S.Y. Agnon
Prof. Breuer has been part of the Hebrew University research community forover 40 years, he is a member of the Academy of the Hebrew Language. He deals mainly with Talmudic Hebrew and Aramaic.
Selected Publications
The Hebrew in the Babylonian Talmud according to the Manuscripts of Tractate Pesahim, Jerusalem 2002
From Aramaic into Hebrew: the Method of Translation in the Book Hilkhot Re’u, Jerusalem 2020
“Perfect and Participle in Description of Ritual in the Mishnah”, Tarbiz LVI (1987), pp. 299-326
“Dissonance between Masoretic Accentuation and Vocalization in Verse Division of the Biblical Text”, M. Bar-Asher (ed.) Rabbi Mordechai Breuer Festschrift, Jerusalem 1992, pp. 191-242
“The Babylonian Aramaic in Tractate Karetot: According to MS Oxford”, Aramaic Studies 5.1 (2007), pp. 1–45
Mishnaic Hebrew
Babylonian Aramaic
The Massora
The Language of S.Y. Agnon
Linguistic Studies in the Interpretation of the Bible