Research Fields
- Rabbinics, Jewish History
- Early Christianity
- Roman Imperialism
- Jewish Law
Dr. Yair Furstenberg is a scholar of early rabbinic literature. His research focuses on the emergence of the early rabbinic literature in the first centuries of the CE and the history of rabbinic law within its Greco-Roman context. In his publications, Furstenberg examines the development of Jewish legal discourse during the Second Temple and the early rabbinic period, as well as its relationship to Jesus traditions. His current project aims to examine rabbinic legal activity into its Roman provincial context.
Selected Publications
Y. Furstenberg, ‘Jesus against the Laws of the Pharisees: The Legal Woe Sayings and Second Temple Inter-Sectarian Discourse,’ Journal of Biblical Literature 139 (2020): 767-786
Y. Furstenberg, “Provincial Rabbis: Shaping Rabbinic Divorce Procedure in a Roman Legal Environment”, Jewish Quarterly Review 109 (2019): 471-499
Y. Furstenberg, “From Tradition to Controversy: New Modes of Transmission in the Teachings of Early Rabbis”, Tarbiz 85 (2018): 587-641 [Hebrew]
Y. Furstenberg, ‘Imperialism and the Creation of Local Law: The Case of Rabbinic Law’, K. Berthelot, N. B. Dohrmann and C. Nemo-Pekelman (eds.), Legal Engagement: The Reception of Roman Law and Tribunals by Jews and Other Inhabitants of the Empire, Ecole française de Rome 2021, pp. 271-300.
Y. Furstenberg, Purity and Identity in Ancient Judaism, Indiana University Press (forthcoming). [Hebrew version: Purity and Community in Antiquity: Traditions of the Law from Second Temple Judaism to the Mishnah, Magnes Press, 2016]
Selected Awards
The Mordechai Ish-Shalom Award for Best First Book in the History of the Land of Israel, for Purity and Community in Antiquity. Awarded by Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi
Bachelor's degree courses
Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament
Introduction to the Mishnah
The World of the Talmud: Study Culture
The World of the Talmud: Cultural and Religious Contexts
The Temple in the Mishnah: Tractate Yoma
Introduction to Halakhic Midrashim
Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael: Halakhah and Aggadah
Introduction to the Tosefta
Master's degree courses
Tractate Neziqin: Between the Bible and the Greco-Roman World
The Temple between Mishnah and Tosefta
Early Halakhic Literature: The Damascus Document.
Marriage and Family in Early Rabbinic Law