Research Fields
- Akkadian literature
- Mesopotamian magic
- Mesopotamian epistolary texts
- Mesopotamian history
Born in Jerusalem (1962)
BA and MA (1983-87), PhD (1993, Assyriology): The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor of Assyriology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2011-2014 Vice-dean for research, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2010–2011 Mercator Guest Professor (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at the Altorientalisches Institut, University of Leipzig
2008–2014 Associate professor in Assyriology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (27.4.2008 –18.11.2014)
2002–2008 Senior lecturer in Assyriology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (13.5.2002 – 26.4.2008)
1995–2002 Lecturer in Assyriology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1.4.1995 – 12.5.2002)
1993–1994 Post-doc, UPR 193, CNRS, Paris (équipe de Mari)
Selected Publications
“Style and Form in Old-Babylonian Literary Texts,” Cuneiform Monographs 27, Leiden/Boston: Brill/Styx, 2003.
“Akkadian Love Literature of the 3rd and 2nd Millennium BCE,” Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 4, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.
Labor Pains, Difficult Birth, Sick Child: Three Old Babylonian Incantations from a Private Collection, Bibliotheca Orientalis 75 (2018), 14–25.
“The Susa Funerary Texts: A New Edition and Re-Evaluation and the Question of Psychostasia in Ancient Mesopotamia,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2019), 859–891.
The Flood: The Akkadian Sources. A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion (Orbis
Biblicus et Orientalis, 290), Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.
Jerusalem: 2017/18
Akkadian for Beginners; BA (Mon. and Wed. 10:30-12:00) ► course
Death in the Literature of Mesopotamia; BA (Winter semester, Mon. 16:30-18:00) ► course
You Cross Regularly Through the Heavens: The Great Shamash Hymn; BA (Summer semester, Wed. 14:30-16:00) ► course
Akkadian incantations against demons, sickness, and various animals; MA (Mon. 12:30-14:00) ► course
Leipzig: December 2017
Reading Tablets from Photos (4–7 December: "Blockseminar". With Prof. M. P. Streck)
Jerusalem: 2018/19
Kings & Cities: Introduction to the History of Ancient Mesopotamia; BA (Summer semester, Mon. 16:30-18:00) ► course
Wisdom Literature: Advanced Akkadian; BA (Summer semester, Mon. 12:30-14:00) ► course
The Assyrian Dialect: Letters; BA (Summer semester, Wed. 10:30-12:00) ► course
Jerusalem: 2019/20
Introduction to Akkadian; BA (Winter semester, Mon. and Wed. 10:30-12:00) ► course
Akkadian Texts for Beginners ; BA (Summer semester, Mon. and Wed. 10:30-12:00) ► course
Jerusalem: 2020/21
Reading in the Laws of Hammurapi; BA (Winter semester, Mon. 10:30–12:00) ► course
Selected Old Babylonian Letters: BA (Winter semester, Mon. 13:00–14:30) ► course
Kings & Cities: Introduction to the History of Ancient Mesopotamia; BA (Summer semester, Mon. 17:00-18:30) ► course
The Flood in Akkadian Literature (Summer semester, Mon. 10:30-12:00) ► course