Research Fields
- South African literature,
- South African literary history,
- South African cultural studies,
- South African jazz,
- postcolonial literature and theory,
- environmental humanities,
- gender studies,
- transnational Cold War Studies.
Louise Bethlehem is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and the Program in Cultural Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her book, Skin Tight: Apartheid Literary Culture and its Aftermath (2006) was translated into Hebrew by the Resling imprint (2011). She has co-edited nine volumes on South African literature, anti-apartheid expressive culture, African studies and cultural studies and was the Principal Investigator of the prestigious European Research Council project, APARTHEID-STOPS between 2014-2019.
Selected Publications
1. Bethlehem, Louise and Tal Zalmanovich, (eds). (2020). “Celebrity and Protest in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle.” Special edition of Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 34(1), 128 Pages. Taylor and Francis: London and New York.
2. Bethlehem, Louise. 2018. “Restless Itineraries: Anti-Apartheid Expressive Culture
and Transnational Historiography.” Social Text 36 (3 [136]): 47-69.
3. Bethlehem, Louise. 2018. “Continuity and Change in Postapartheid Fiction,” Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Literature, DOI.10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.013.193
4. Bethlehem, Louise. 2013. “Lauren Beukes’s Post-Apartheid Dystopia: Inhabiting Moxyland,” Journal of Postcolonial Writing 50(5): 522-534. Article featured in September 2015 among top twenty articles published in this journal in the previous five years.
5. Bethlehem, Louise. 2006. Skin Tight: Apartheid Literary Culture and Its Aftermath. xvii + 145 Pages. Unisa (University of South Africa) Press, Pretoria; Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.
Selected Awards
Consolidators’ Grant European Research Council for the project APARTHEID-STOPS: “Apartheid the Global Itinerary: South African Cultural Formations in Transnational Circulation, 1948-1990.”
Postcolonial Theory
Gender, Postcolonialism, Postmodernism
Postapartheid Literature
Globalization and Solidarity in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle
Modernism and Beyond
J.M. Coetzee: Postcolonial Metafiction