Prof. Arlette David | Faculty of Humanities

Prof. Arlette David

Arlette David
Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near East
Asia-Africa Institute
Archaeology and Ancient Near East

Research Fields

  • Semiotics of hieroglyphic script and Egyptian art;
  • Middle and Neo-Egyptian languages;
  • ancient Egyptian legal languages and legal system;
  • Egyptian(izing) finds in Israel;
  • iconography of kingship in Karnak and Amarna


Trained as a lawyer (LLM from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) and as an Egyptologist (theHebrew University of Jerusalem), Arlette David has published various interdisciplinary studies on the ancient Egyptian legal system, its conceptual frame, textual productions, linguistic registers, and legal categorization embedded in the hieroglyphic and hieratic scripts. Today, Prof. David investigates the interplay between pictures, script, and texts in various contexts, with new analyses of Egyptian works of art. Her recent work concerns pictures of kingship at the times of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from Karnak and Amarna.


Selected Publications

2021 Book: Renewing Royal Imagery - Akhenaten and Family in the Amarna Tombs (

2021 Article: “Akhenaten and Nefertiti's Morning Toilet in Karnak” (Journal of Near Eastern Studies 80/2)

2021 Article: “Akhenaten's Window and the Aegean Connection” (Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 30)

2010 Book: The Legal Register of Ramesside Private Law Instruments (Harrassowitz)

2006 Book: Syntactic and Lexico-Semantic Aspects of the Legal Register in Ramesside Royal Decrees (Harrassowitz)


Selected Awards

Prize of the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Contest 1986

Max Schlomiuk Prize 2003




Reading Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Ancient Egyptian Artists: Life, Work, Models, Techniques

Middle Egyptian for beginners

Middle Egyptian intermediary level

Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Art and Culture (Predynastic to Second Intermediate Period)

Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Art and Culture (New Kingdom to Ptolemaic Period) 

Art as a System of Signs: Decoding Ancient Egyptian Images

Patterns of continuity and change in ancient Egyptian art


Despair, Disgust, and Life's Chaos: Ancient Egyptian Laments

Ramesside for Beginners

Egypt in Israel: Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions Found in Israel

Entertaining an Egyptian King with Tales of Magic: Papyrus Westcar

Ancient Egyptian Artifacts: Magic and the Senses

Killing Pharaoh: The Teaching of King Amenemhat I

Shipwrecked in Wonderland: An Ancient Egyptian Mythical Narrative

Working with Ancient Egyptian Material Culture

Contribution of ancient Egyptian law to the history of thought

Ancient Egyptian tales of adventure

The Levant and Egypt, archaeology and art: cultural transfers