Research Fields
- Medieval halakhic literature
- Hebrew Manuscripts
- European Genizah
Simcha Emanuel (born in Jerusalem, 1957), is a Professor in the Department of Talmud at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and holds the Ludwig Jesselson Chair of Codicology and Paleography. Emanuel is a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Selected Publications
1. Simcha Emanuel (2006), Fragments of the Tablets: Lost Books of the Tosaphists, Magnes Press, Jerusalem (387 pp.; in Hebrew)
3. Simcha Emanuel (2015-2019), Hidden Treasures from Europe, Mekize Nirdamim Press, Jerusalem (two volumes; 501 + 408 pp.; in Hebrew).
4. Simcha Emanuel (2021), The Crown of the Wise, Magnes Press, Jerusalem (230 pp.; in Hebrew).
5. Simcha Emanuel (2011), 'Pregnancy without Sexual Relations in Medieval Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Thought', Journal of Jewish Studies, 62, pp. 105-120.
Selected Awards
The Council for Higher Education Yigal Alon Fellowship (1996-1998).
Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (The Hebrew University, 2009).
Rav Kook Prize for Talmud Research (Tel Aviv Municipality, 2012).