Research Fields
- Roman art and architecture
- Hellenistic art and architecture
- Funerary architecture
- Second Temple period
- Ancient Jerusalem
- Flavius Josephus
- Herod the Great
- The Hasmonean Dynasty
- Jewish Art
Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat is a Classical archaeologist specializing in Hellenistic and Roman art and architecture of the southern Levant, and especially in Hasmonean and Herodian architectural decoration. She has published extensively on the architectural decoration of the Hasmonean and Herodian palaces at Jericho, the mausoleum at Herodium, and the Herodian Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
She has also studied trends and changes in the funerary architecture of Judea in the Hellenistic and Roman eras. In recent years, Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat has run three archaeological excavations – one at the Byzantine-period village of En Gedi, the other at Horvat Midras in the Judean Foothills, where remains of a Roman temple and a Jewish pyramidal funerary monument were uncovered, and the third in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Selected Publications
Peleg-Barkat O., 2012. “The Relative Chronology of Tomb Façades in Early Roman Jerusalem and Power Displays by the Élite,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 25/1, pp. 403−418
Peleg-Barkat O., 2014. "Fit for a King: Architectural Décor in Judaea and Herod as Trendsetter," Bulletin of the American
School of Oriental Research 371, pp. 141−161
Peleg-Barkat O. (PI.), Geva, H. (C.), and Reich R. (C.), 2017. "A Monumental Herodian Ionic Capital from the Upper City of Jerusalem," Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 8: 74–95
Peleg-Barkat O., 2017. The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem, 1968−1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar, Final Reports, vol. V: Herodian Architectural Decoration and King Herod’s Royal Portico [Qedem series 57], Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Peleg-Barkat, O., 2019, Herod’s Western Palace in Jerusalem: Some New Insights, Electrum 26: 53-72.
Selected Awards
2015−2019: Individual Research Grant from the Israel Science Foundation, "Continuity and Change in Rural Roman Judaea: Horvat Midras as a Case Study," NIS 860,000. #48, #50, #63, #64
2015: Ruth Amiran Fund for Archaeological Research in Eretz-Israel, “Editing a Festschrift in honour of Prof. Joseph Patrich on the Occasion of his Retirement,” US$ 4,000. #14
2018: Ruth Amiran Fund for Archaeological Research in Eretz-Israel, “Student Academic Tour to Georgia,” US$ 10,000.
2019: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung, "Conference - The Basilica in Roman Palestine, Its Architectural Layout, Role and Function in the Ancient City, University of Tübingen," EU€ 11,000.
2019: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (together with Prof. Gregg Gardner from University of British Columbia, Vancouver), "The Horvat Midras Excavation Project: Cultural Interaction in Rural Roman Judea," CAD$ 69,023.
2020: The Roger and Susan Hertog Center for the Archaeological Study of Jerusalem and Judah Grant, “The Gan HaMisgav Excavations in the Jewish Quarter,” US$ 30,000.
2021: The Roger and Susan Hertog Center for the Archaeological Study of Jerusalem and Judah Grant, “The Gan HaTkumah Excavations in the Jewish Quarter,” US$ 20,000.
Fashion Victims of the Ancient World
Alexander the Great and his Heritage
Jerusalem through the Ages – The Tangible Past
Rome and Jerusalem between Augustus and Titus
Introduction to Greek Archaeology
Introduction to Roman Archaeology
Topics in Classical – Byzantine Archaeology: Herodian Art and Architecture
Topics in Classical – Byzantine Archaeology: The Archaeology of Hellenistic Palestine
Josephus' Writings and the Archaeological Finds
The Classical Architectural Decoration
King Herod and other Client Kings
Egyptomania: Egypt in Rome, Rome in Egypt
The Hasmoneans from an Archaeological Perspective - Rebels, Priests and Kings