Research Fields
- Modern Kabbalah,
- Modern Mussar,
- Psychology of Religion
- Comparative Mysticism
Jonathan Garb holds the Gershom Scholem Chair in Kabbalah, and lectures, beisdes his own department, in the department of Religious Studies.
He has lectured and researched, amongst other centers, in L'école des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), Johns Hopkins University, New York University and University of Hamburg.
Selected Publications
• 2020. A History of Kabbalah from the Early Modern Period to the Present Day. Cambridge University Press.
• 2016. Modern Kabbalah as an Autonomous Domain of Research. Cherub Press: Los Angeles (in Hebrew).
• 2015. The Yearnings of the Soul: Psychological Thought in Modern Kabbalah. The University of Chicago Press.
• 2014. Kabbalist in the Eye of the Storm: R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto. Tel Aviv University Press (in Hebrew).
• 2011. Shamanic Trance in Modern Kabbalah. The University of Chicago Press.
Selected Awards
2010: President’s Prize for Outstanding Researcher (Pollack Family Foundation). Hebrew University.
2014 Gershom Scholem Prize for Research in Kabbalah. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
2021 Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality
in the Humanistic Disciplines, Hebrew University
Writings of the Generaitons of Habad (2-5)
Religion and: Facism, Psychology, Social Theory, Political Theory, Embodiment
Readings of : Gate of Kavvanot, Leshem shvu ve ahalama
Niggun in Jewish Culture (taught with Prof. Edwin Serrousi)
The Doctrine of Evil in Kabbalah