Research Fields
- English literature
- Victorian literature
- The long nineteenth century
Prof. Galia Benziman is Associate Professor of English at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on British literature of the long nineteenth century; in particular, on Dickens, Hardy, the history of childhood, and the Elegy.
Selected Publications
Narratives of Child Neglect in Romantic and Victorian Culture (2012, Palgrave Macmillan)
Thomas Hardy's Elegiac Prose and Poetry: Codes of Bereavement (2018, Palgrave Macmillan)
“Dickens, Hard Times, and the Erasure of Female Origins,” JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory 2020
“Talking Birds and Talking to Birds: Transcending the Child in Barnaby Rudge,” Dickens Studies Annual 2021
“Oliver Twist: Urban Aesthetics and the Homeless Child,” in The Oxford Handbook to Charles Dickens, 2018
Selected Awards
Golda Meir
Bachelor's degree courses
Historical Approach to English Literature
Becoming Women - the Female Bildungsroman
Puritan, Romantic and Victorian Childhood
Versions of Pastoral
Master's degree courses